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Changed the game outlook
I came up with a great idea for the game I should base ita on a large number of books I've read about half of the game will be origianl the other half will be book inspired and the book section will always be getting bigger to know why you have to play the game but i'm relasing no info on the game right now the only stuff you'll get is the demos and those will never be seen in the full game the towns maybe but the quests no Ryft will be original and have a very deep storyline its a weird confusing one but in the end it all makes sense I hope. Here how the game will be split up.

50% - Original Ryft Work
25% - Based on "Wyrm"
5% - Alice in Woderland
5% - Dracula
5% - Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy
10% - Myst, Riven, D'ni etc.
Ryft Work Log
April 7 - Working very hard on DEMO I
March 30 - Started working on Demo I
March 18 - Created Ryft Work Binder
March 14 - Started WORKING On Ryft !!
Ryft On The CyBiko ?
As Soon As The CyBiko RPG Kit Comes Out I Will Be Building An Episodic RPG Called "CtatiC" It Will Be Set In The Northern Axis And Will Be Realeased Every Saturday Or Every Other Saturday For More Information Click Here If Your Wondering What The CyBiko Is Click Here

Release Date
Heres the deal on the release dates.

Demo I - April 15
Demo II - May
Demo III - June
Full Game - December-???

Ryft StarCraft MOD
I'm currently thining about creating a starcraft mod that would make it into a ryft game its going to be great I'll probablyt work on it this summer.

Ryft on TI-83
Im thinking of making a TI-83 version of Ryft it will be somewhat small but the point of Ryft is to put it on as many systems as possible. expect to see this in late april or may.

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(C)opyright 2001 Derek S.